Mark’s Steam by Anchor Steam Brewery

Drank this beer at BAM Fest 2012 Santa Monica, CA

The English have the idea of making beer at times, and other times they are just the mediocre fish and chips, but good thing Americans can improve the beer… sometimes!… With this beer this the case! Americans took the English style beer and made it better.

ABV: 4%
English Dark Mild Ale

Anchor Steam Beer
1705 Mariposa Street
San Francisco, California, 94107
United States

Anchor Brewery

Thanks to Morgan for this one. She was very informative and very friendly.

Aroma: Cocoa, caramel and toffee. Very malty.

Taste: The taste really wasn’t as how it smelled to be honest. The one taste that was really pronounces was the coffee flavor, followed by a touch of caramel. Very smooth beer towards the end, abrupt but smooth and delicious. The beer ended with a good smooth hoppy flavor; definitely not dominant but there.

Overall: Thank you Morgan good beer and I will definitely look for this beer at local retailers.